The Problem:

Strauss Brands in Franklin, Wisconsin, needed a product that is easy to use, powerful, safe, effective and food-friendly. Because the facility works with animals, odor control was a main concern.

After assessing Strauss Brands’ sanitation requirements and pinpointing target areas, PureFX Selectrocide emerged as the chosen solution. This disinfectant is known for its efficacy in eliminating microbes, bacteria, molds, odors and spores.

How Jensen’s PureFX Helped:

  • Identified the ways to use PureFX
  • Demo'ed product
  • Discussed product options and sizes/quantities
  • PureFX is always available

Contact us today to order PureFX Selectrocide for your company’s needs.

PureFX surface cleaner in Franklin, WI

If Strauss has to provide high quality meats, PureFX is the product that can effectively provide fast reductions of contaminates. By using PureFX, the bonus comes from PureFX removing nasty odors that come from the business we're in because it kills the bacterias the create the odors in a meat packing plant.

-Strauss Brands